0345 0502 309 24/7 Emergency Number

We are here to help you

Here when you need us

If you are reading this it is because you have unfortunately suffered an incident at your home. We understand how traumatic and disruptive incidents in the home can be, so our service has been specifically developed over the years to provide prompt and professional assistance. This leaflet aims to offer you basic advice and answer the most frequently asked questions about the service we provide and the process of restoring your home.

"A fire or water damage is not just a material issue, how it impacts people is really important. A listening ear, consultation and empathy: that is what you need."

Who are BELFOR

BELFOR are the worlds largest Recovery & Restoration Company. With over 12.500 employees and over 500 offices in 55 countries we manage thousands of recovery projects every year. BELFOR has been providing services for over 35 years and has a wealth of experience and expertise at its fingertips. Our technicians are specially trained and qualified to help you recovery quickly and effectively and get you back to normal when disaster has struck.

A rapid response

BELFOR have been appointed by your insurance company to carry out Restoration & Recovery works on your home. Once we have carried out
the necessary Health & Safety checks, inspected and assessed the damage, we will undertake any necessary emergency works to prevent
further damage and enable the restoration and recovery process. These works may include any of the following:

  • Making your home safe & secure
  • Installing temporary power supply
  • Identifying and dealing with hazardous waste and materials
  • Removing standing water & debris
  • Removing non-restorable items for disposal
  • Removing unaffected items to protect and prevent them from being damaged
  • Undertake high level / initial cleaning works
  • Installing equipment to stabilise the environmental conditions (e.g. temperature and humidity)
  • Carry out moisture readings of affected areas
  • Listing / creating inventories of affected items

It is important that these emergency mitigation works are carried out as quickly as possible following the incident to help prevent secondary
damage to your home and contents. They will also aid the potential for and success of restoration works, keeping the length of time
and cost to recover to a minimum.

What happens next

We will try and complete all of the necessary works as quickly as possible, however depending upon the nature, severity and scale of the incident additional visits and further restoration works may be required. Your BELFOR Technician will take the time to explain what works are required to return your home back to normal and approximately how these will take.

Other parties such as a Loss Adjuster or Surveyor may also be appointed by your insurance company to help manage the claim. Other companies such as building contractors and contents replacement providers may also be appointed to help get your claim completed. BELFOR will work with all these parties to ensure that your claim is completed as quickly and as cost effectively as possible.

Please note that BELFOR may also appoint specialist partners to help carry out works on your claim. Where this is required we will communicate this with you and explain their role. Our specialist partners may include any of the following:

  • Emergency Trades (Electrician / Plumber)
  • Laundry & Dry Cleaning Specialists
  • Waste Disposal & Removal
  • Contents Removals
  • Asbestos Removals
  • Odour Control Specialists
  • Building Contractors
  • Decorators
  • Specialist Equipment Providers
  • Specialist Furniture Restorers
  • Temporary Kitchen / Bathroom / Storage Providers

If you have any queries or concerns about the recovery and restoration process please talk to your BELFOR Technician, who will be happy to answer any questions or queries you may have. They will explain the works being carried out and advise of any equipment or cleaning products being used. Should you have any queries about the claims process in general or need an update from us at any time you can also contact our UK National Service Centre on 0345 050
2309 where one of our claims handlers will be happy to help you.

What you need to do

We recommend that you familiarise yourself with your insurance documentation and your policy cover so you are clear on what you are covered for. It may also be advisable to document the damage for your own records (e.g. inventories, photo’s & video) and to assist your insurer with the claim.

For any items covered under our policy that are un-restorable, copies of receipts or purchase information may help to value them for settlement purposes. You should always check with your insurer or your insurers appointed Loss Adjuster or Claims Manager, who will provide any specific advice on what you need to do to make your claim run smoothly and to be completed as quickly as possible.

Security advice

Unless advised otherwise please ensure that your property is secured with all windows and doors shut and locked. If you are going to be leaving your property or staying in alternative accommodation whilst recovery, restoration, repair and refurbishment works are being carried out please discuss any specific access arrangements with your BELFOR Technician.

If you have any concerns about the security of your home please discuss these with your BELFOR Technician. Along with any valuables, cash and sentimental items we would also advise you to keep all important and personal documents (e.g. Passports, Birth Certificates, Banking Details)

How you can help

You can help us to complete your claim as quickly and as cost effectively as possible by doing the following:

  • Gather together any personal items or documentation that you may need
  • Make us aware if you are going to be away from your home during the recovery and restoration process
  • Make parking available for our technicians wherever possible
  • Unless otherwise advised, keep any drying equipment switched on at all times. Turning off equipment may make the recovery and restoration process longer
  • If you have any items of a personal, sensitive, or sentimental nature which require restoration we would kindly ask you to identify these to your BELFOR Technician as soon as possible.


Safe in our hands

Your safety is our priority

After an incident has occurred in your home it is very important that you take extra care and be aware of any risks that may cause danger to you and your family. Do not do anything that you think may place yourself or others at risk of harm or injury.

We will undertake detailed Risk Assessments of your property when we arrive for the first time and throughout your claim. We will do our best to ensure that any
risks associated with the works we are carrying out are kept to a minimum and we will ensure that we make you aware of any risks.

Dos & Don’ts
Every incident and every home is different. Your BELFOR Technician will make you aware of any specific risks and provide you with general advice to keep you safe. Please however also adhere to the following guidelines to keep you and your family safe and secure:


  • ensure that your home is secured if you are not there
  • wear appropriate protective equipment (e.g. gloves) if handling contaminated items
  • keep children and pets away from working equipment at all times


  • if affected or damaged, switch back on your electrical supply or use electrical items,unless tested by a competent person and certified safe
  • if affected or damaged, switch back on your gas supply, unless tested by a competent person and certified safe
  • if affected or damaged, switch back on your water supply until any repairs have been completed

Water damage

Fire Damage