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Why should we restore?

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Quicker and more cost effective

Put very simply, effective restoration saves time and money!

When a disaster occurs the impact on your daily life or business can be catastrophic. At BELFOR we understand that your main aim is to get back to normal as quickly as possible. Therefore our services are designed and our people are trained to support this aim.

For complex structures, bespoke machinery, sentimental and high value items, replacement just may not be an option.

With more and more waste being generated for landfills restoration is also the right thing to do and is the right choice for environmental reasons.

Our experts will take into account all the factors when determining whether to restore such as:

  • Type and level of contamination
  • The materials or items that have been affected
  • Health & Safety considerations
  • Warranties and guarantees
  • Future usage requirements
  • Business Interruption impact
  • Replacement costs
  • Replacement timescales
  • Sentimental value

Although all of these factors will be considered when making restoration decisions are really quite simple............

Q: Can it be restored successfully?

Q: Can it be restored economically?

BELFOR’s team of specialists and experts will help you choose the most optimum route, whatever the scenario.