Il Team BELFOR Italia è specializzato nel settore Marine
Da molti anni, il team BELFOR ha sviluppato competenze anche nel settore navale. Se una nave viene danneggiata a seguito di un incendio, di eventi naturali o da un incidente di varia natura che comporti grave contaminazione, è importante agire rapidamente per evitare fermi prolungati, eccessivi ritardi o possibili guasti del carico. In qualità di partner di risanamento ormai “collaudato” e dotato di grande esperienza, siamo pronti a salire rapidamente a bordo per ridurre al minimo o impedire completamente le interruzioni delle operazioni. Il nostro know-how spazia dalle navi cargo e passeggeri alle navi speciali, navi da crociera e yacht, fino alle piattaforme di lavoro offshore. Ovunque la tua nave si trovi nei mari e negli oceani di tutto il mondo, ci troverai proprio lì dove hai bisogno di noi!
Salvataggio in vista! Affidati ai nostri servizi per armatori, gestori navali e spedizionieri.

BELFOR Marine Service Compass
Following our list of services you can find the details of BELFOR Marine Service Compass and the following texts.
- Project leading
- Damage analysis
- Immediate measures
- Inspection report / refurbishment
- Concept
- Decontamination / Neutralisation
- Electronic restoration
- Restoration
- Maintenance including IHM
- Scrapping
BELFOR Marine Service Compass – 360° services for your ship
We can offer you our services as a committed partner in every phase of a ship’s life cycle. Our Marine Service Compass shows all the services at a glance and offers you clear orientation when it comes to preventing, or at the very least minimising, interruptions to operation.
1. Project leading: We navigate you through any damage
The BELFOR Marine division is available to you 24/7. When we receive your ‘SOS call’, an experienced project manager will set off immediately in order to be on board your ship as soon as possible.
- Damage analysis
- Immediate Measures
- Coordination & Communication
2. Damage analysis:
Extinguishing a fire by no means extinguishes its destructive powerThe project manager carries out a quick test on-site to detect HCl and then recommends and implements the required emergency measures.
- Wipe samples to investigate surface impacts in the laboratory
- HCl quick test on-site to detect hydrogen chloride gas
- Titration test to detect and quantify chloride
- Moisture measurement
3. Immediate Measures: Quick action to put an immediate end to damage
The project manager either has chemicals and devices ready for many of the required initial measures, or the BELFOR organisation will soon be able to implement them on-site. In this way, subsequent damage can be reliably avoided.
- Securing / blocking off hazardous area
- Stopping corrosion
- Reducing relative humidity
4. The inspection report and refurbishment concept show the way
Even while the surrounding conditions are still being stabilised and the development of damage is being contained by initial measures, the BELFOR project manager puts together the inspection report. This contains:
- Results of the damage analysis
- Initial measures implemented are documented
- Recommendations for further action
5. Decontamination / Neutralisation: Switch on fast again!
Combustion of plastics can generate hydrogen chloride (HCl), which, in combination with extinguishing water, and particularly intensively with salt water, condenses and leaves visible corrosion on metal surfaces within a few hours. The project manager carries out a quick test on-site to detect HCl and then recommends and implements the required emergency measures.
- Decontamination: Professional removal of soot and toxic hazardous materials after fire damage
- Neutralisation: Restoration of a neutral pH value through the implementation of alkaline
6. Electronic restoration: Switch on fast again!
Control cabinets and electronic systems, such as controls in the engine room and on the bridge, are among the most sensitive and sometimes also the most expensive items on board. That is why BELFOR uses particularly gentle deconta mination processes.
- Dry selective process
- Wet selective process
- Generator cleaning
7. Restoration: A clean sweep, including equipment, etc.
Even technical equipment, spare parts and tools that appear to have survived the fire or water damage on board without problems may have been affected by corrosive or toxic substances, and the speed of corrosion is increased by salty sea air. The quickest and most effective methods to clean and fully de-rust them on-site are mobile immersion bath systems from BELFOR, which work with ultrasound. We restore:
- Technical equipment
- Tools
- Spare parts
- Ship hull
- Cooperation with the manufacturers of drives, etc.
8. Maintenance: Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) for greater safety
When, at the very latest, irregularities or impacts are noticed by the crew, it is time to call the BELFOR maintenance team. They will be ready for action quickly and flexibly, perform analysis on-site using modern techniques and implement preventive measures before electronics or equipment suffer damage.
- Thermography process for analysis
- Decontamination measures
- Preventive measures
- Documentation
- Creation of an IHM
- Adherence to STD-001E and ISM standards
9. Inventory of hazardous materials (IHM) – in line with legal regulations
Both the IMO with the HKC and the EU with the SRR require documentation of hazardous substances on board. That applies to new and existing ships, but with different time periods depending on which flag the ship sails under. This is what BELFOR will do for you:
- Collection of information and documentation
- Visual inspection and taking of samples on board
- Laboratory analysis
- Development of the recycling- related IHM
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Dove trovarci
Copertura su tutto il territorio nazionale: 9 filiali operative.