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From Monday, August 28, 2023 to Friday, September 1, 2023, BELFOR Japan accepted internship students for the first time.

Four students from Yamagata, Kochi, and Kagoshima participated in the program, discussing the theme of "Will disaster recovery services become popular in Japan?" They also experienced hands-on training course in workshops to learn about BELFOR and deepen their understanding through actual experience.

On the last day of the program, the internship students presented their achievements and findings from the five days.

BELFOR Japan will continue to provide opportunities for students and employees to have meaningful experiences.

Comments from participating students

"Overall, we were warmly welcomed and were able to work in a relaxed atmosphere. It was good to be able to interact with other interns."

"I really enjoyed the internship in a good environment and with a good group of people."

First internship conducted by BELFOR Japan

BELFOR Contact

BELFOR Asia Marketing
Phone: +65 6848 1110