A Rapid Response

BELFOR has been appointed by your insurance company (or one of their appointed representatives) to carry out works on your home. Once we have carried out the necessary Health & Safety checks, inspected and assessed the damage, we will start by carrying out any emergency mitigation works. These will help to prevent any further damage and also facilitate the recovery process.
These works may include any of the following:
- Making your home safe & secure
- Removing standing water & debris
- Safety checks and installing temporary power supply
- Identifying and dealing with hazardous materials
- Detecting leaks using different methods such as thermal imagery/acoustics
- Removing unaffected items to protect and prevent them from being damaged
- Removing unrestorable items for disposal
- Listing/creating inventories of affected items
- Taking moisture readings of affected areas
- Installing equipment to stabilise the environmental conditions (i.e. temperature and humidity)
It is important that these emergency mitigation works are carried out as quickly as possible, to help prevent any further damage to your home and contents. When carried out quickly these activities will increase the potential for successful restoration. They also help to keep the time it takes to recover and the cost to do so, to a minimum.
Unfortunately, some areas of the property or items may be deemed unrestorable. For any items, your BELFOR Technician will create an inventory. We will ask you to check this before any disposal is arranged and we will not dispose of any items that you wish to keep. It is therefore very important that you carefully review any disposal inventory before signing and discuss this aspect of the claim with your BELFOR Technician.
Any restorable items will either be decontaminated and restored at your home, or carefully packed and taken to one of our locations to be restored. In some instances, we may need to store your items whilst other works are being carried out at your home. Again, your BELFOR Technician will discuss this with you where appropriate.
We know how important your possessions are to you and your family. BELFOR staff understanding this deeply and are carefully trained in handling, packing, and restoring items. You can be assured that all your possessions will be treated with the utmost care and returned to you safely.