The historic Racine Village Municipal Building in Ohio suffered extensive damage when a portion of the roof collapsed during a thunderstorm. BELFOR restored and reconstructed the structural damage.
The Racine Village Municipal Building is a historic 101-year-old building originally built in 1911 as a school. The village purchased the property in The staircase in the two-story building was crafted by Amish workers.
In late June, a line of severe thunderstorms tore through the Ohio Valley and the municipal center suffered extensive damage when a portion of the roof collapsed. The chimney crashed through the building and onto the staircase below, leaving bricks, mortar and debris in a pile of rubble.
The Ohio Plan, which provides property and liability coverage for the Village of Racine, immediately contacted BELFOR due to their RED ALERT® partnership for disaster and restoration services.
“Your company started the restoration of our Municipal Building and you did not abandon the project until you completed all work. Visitors coming into our Municipal Building are amazed at the outcome. Village officials are indeed proud of our building. I cannot emphasize enough how grateful we are that BELFOR was selected by the Ohio Plan to complete all Village restoration work.”
David Spencer
Clerk Treasurer
Village of Racine