Workshop at FERMA
Serious game on crisis management communication
"In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not,” so said Albert Einstein.
While crisis management communication theories may be common knowledge to many risk managers, only the few who live by them know the lessons from real cases. One of those lessons is that communication in emergency situations is as important as the operative response. This session will allow you to challenge your crisis management communication skills by confronting them “live” with real crisis management communication case(s) and learning from your peers’ experiences.
About our speaker
Join Martin Schachtschneider, BELFOR Germany, to take a close look at the different points of view following a damage incident. Learn how you can improve your crisis management communication abilities and effectively engage with key stakeholders following a loss to ensure a successful recovery.
Download Publications
Ten Reasons to choose BELFOR download brochure
BELFOR RED ALERT® - The Emergency Response Programme download brochure