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Asbestos Remediation

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral. Although there are many different types of asbestos fibres, the three most commonly used in the UK were Crocidolite, Amosite and Chrysotile (blue, brown and white respectively). Large amounts of asbestos was used in building materials and construction up to the year 2000 in the UK. 

If left undisturbed asbestos presents a negligible risk, however incidents such as fire and flooding however can cause damage, exposing and disturbing asbestos containing materials (ACM’s) within a property's structures and fixtures.  Releasing harmful fibres can cause serious health risks therefore the handling, removal and disposal of ACM’s is carefully regulated and should be undertaken by specialist and experienced contractors at all times.

BELFOR has a dedicated team of trained, qualified and licensed technicians, experienced in removal and remediation of non-licensed asbestos associated with property damage losses, to meet your needs.

From residential properties to commercial premises, BELFOR provides a complete service offering from testing, remediation, removal, disposal and reinstatement. You can be safe in the knowledge that our experts will professionally manage all aspects of the process, safely, securely and effectively.

Type of non-licensed asbestos include:

  • Thermoplastic floor tiles
  • Textured wall and ceiling coverings (e.g. Artex)
  • Bitumen floor adhesive
  • Asbestos cement